Publications & Dissemination

Peer-Reviewed Journals

Briere, J. L. & Campbell, J. I. (2015). Language, visual working memory, and dot subtraction: What counts? Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. Advanced online publication. doi:10.1037/cep0000067

Marche, T. A., Briere, J. L., & von Baeyer, C. L. (2016). Children’s forgetting of pain-related memories. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. Manuscript number: JPEPSY-2015-0122
Marche, T. A., & Briere, J. L. (2012). Community-based research: Learning about attitudes towards the criminal justice system. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, V, 161 – 166.
Rocha, E. M., Marche, T. A., & Briere, J. L. (2013). The effect of forced-choice questions on children’s suggestibility: A comparison of multiple-choice and yes/no questions. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 45 (1), 1 – 11. doi:10.1037/a028507
Marche, T. A., Howe, M. L., Lane, D. G., Owre, K. P., & Briere, J. L. (2009). Invariance of cognitive triage in the development of recall in adulthood. Memory, 17 (5), 518 – 527. doi:10.1080/09658210902939355
Wilson, J., Briere, J. L., & Nahachewsky, J. (2015). Rural high school students’ digital literacy. Journal of Literacy and Technology.

In Progress

Briere, J. L., Cordwell, T., Keller, S. O. M., & Marche, T. A. (in preparation). Distinguishing experienced from non-experienced events: Can children’s drawings tells us what is real? Paper to be submitted to Psychological Science. [Data collection to be finished during the 2016 academic year. To be submitted near end of term.]
Briere, J. L., & Marche, T. A. (in preparation). Retrieval-induced forgetting in kindergartners: Evaluating the inhibitory account. Paper to be submitted to Child Development. [Editing to journal length requirement. To be submitted by end of term.]
Briere, J. L., & Marche, T. A. (in preparation). Examining the reliability of retrieval-induced forgetting. Paper to be submitted to Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition. [Experiment 1 completely collected and analyzed; Experiment 2 requires approximately 8 more participants, coding, and analysis. To be submitted in the Spring.]
Briere, J. L., & Wilson, J. (in preparation). Reading ability, preferences, and practice among rural Saskatchewan high school students. Paper to be published in the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. [Final data analysis in progress. To be submitted by April, 2016.]
Marche, T. A., Briere, J. L., & von Baeyer, C. L. (in preparation). Developmental and individual differences in children’s memory bias for painful experiences. Paper to be submitted to the Cognitive Psychology. [Final editing in progress. To be submitted by April, 2016.]
Keller, S. O. M., Briere, J. L., & Marche, T. A. (in preparation). Comprehensive narrative elaboration technique (CNET): Studying efficacy across age groups. Paper to be submitted to the Psychology of Aging journal. [Data collection continuing in 2016; paper to be submitted during Summer, 2016.]

Book Chapters

Marche, T. A., Briere, J. L., Cordwell, T. L., & Holliday, R. E. (2014). Interviewing the elderly eyewitness (pp. 263-285). In M. Toglia, D. Ross, J. Pozzulo, & E. Pica (Eds.), The Elderly Eyewitness in Court. New York, NY: Psychology Press.

Technical Reports

Briere, J. L. (2010). Cohort analysis and establishing reliability for large-scale assessments in Saskatchewan.